How to Modernize the Enterprise Integration Landscape in the Hybrid Cloud Era

Application integrations are key to streamlining enterprise business processes and enabling data movement across systems. As application workloads move to cloud platforms, enterprises are adopting cloud computing to take advantage of the optimization and flexibility the cloud platforms and providers bring to the table. Read this blog to see how hybrid cloud is often the …

From monoliths to microservices: Modernize your apps now

In an organization that’s more than a few years old, monolithic applications are common, and it can be difficult, or even impossible, to work on individual functions in isolation. Read this blog to see why using a modular microservices architecture is becoming a standard for cloud development, and how moving to microservices improves your infrastructure. …

Making the Value of Hyperautomation a Reality

Hyperautomation is the automated handling of as many processes as possible to free worker time from routine and repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex problems. But the challenge with today’s hyperautomation landscape is its fragmentation; approaches and automation technologies are far from standardized. Read this blog to learn about IBM’s approach to …

Accelerate Your Enterprise with SAP in the Cloud

As your organization continues to invest in digital transformation to be more competitive, cloud migration is a great first step. However, true innovation comes when application modernization is part of the approach, where game-changing technologies like AI and blockchain are deployed. Read this blog to explore the main benefits of cloud migration with a focus …

The Basics of Business Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are taking automation to a whole new level. This so-called “intelligent automation” is changing the way humans and machines interact. So businesses can increase efficiency, drive revenue and thrive in challenging markets. Read this article to understand the changing landscape of business automation, why it matters now and what …

Cloud Migration

The term “cloud migration” gets thrown around a lot, but what exactly is it, and what does it involve? Read this blog to explore what cloud migration is all about, the benefits of planning a cloud migration strategy and tips for managing a successful migration. Read More…