AIOps: A Path to Reliability at Cloud Scale

Building cloud native applications as a collection of smaller, self-contained microservices has helped organizations become more agile and deliver new features at higher velocity. But with this app development flexibility comes increased complexity for the operations team when problems arise This is where AI applied to IT operations, or AIOps, enters the picture. Read this …

From monoliths to microservices: Modernize your apps now

In an organization that’s more than a few years old, monolithic applications are common, and it can be difficult, or even impossible, to work on individual functions in isolation. Read this blog to see why using a modular microservices architecture is becoming a standard for cloud development, and how moving to microservices improves your infrastructure. …

A Complete Guide to Securing Your Cloud Environment

Cloud security is a collection of procedures and technology designed to address external and internal threats to business security. Organizations need cloud security as they move toward their digital transformation strategy and incorporate cloud-based tools and services as part of their infrastructure. Read this blog for a complete guide to securing a cloud environment. Read …