Public Cloud Services Wherever You Need Them

How can a U.S.-based financial group expand into other regions while still staying in compliance with local privacy laws and avoiding hefty non-compliance penalties? Check out this infographic to see how IBM Cloud Satellite helped one firm do just that. How can we at Data Fusion Specialists harness the IBM Cloud for your business? #IBMCloudSatellite

Boost business agility

 IT and business are changing rapidly, but rigid legacy IT infrastructure can prevent you from innovating. Complex environments limit flexibility, speed and scalability, and slow application and service delivery. At Data Fusion Specialists, we help clients build more agile, scalable IT environments. Learn how you can benefit from this Red Hat eBook on boosting business agility with hybrid cloud and containers.

#hybridcloud #containers

Red Hat OpenShift Ecosystem

 Why should you deploy traditional and cloud-native applications on the Red Hat OpenShift container and Kubernetes platform? This video makes the answer crystal clear. Watch it to see how Red Hat OpenShift leads the way to a simpler, more consistent, Kubernetes-powered hybrid cloud application platform.

Cloud-native meets hybrid cloud: A Strategy Guide

 IT systems have become highly distributed across datacenters and public clouds — making hybrid cloud a reality for most organizations. At the same time, advances in cloud-native technology open new opportunities for development team productivity. This eBook from Red Hat is a guide to combining hybrid cloud and cloud-native strategies to address modern IT challenges and opportunities. Download it free today!

 IBM with Red Hat for Hybrid Cloud

IBM and Red Hat maximize potential and decrease costs for digital businesses. See what it’s done for companies like Paychex, The Weather Company, and ExxonMobile.

Our team at Data Fusion Specialists can help you discover what IBM Cloud can offer your business.

#IBMCloud #hybridcloud